  • TitaniumViewer

    Maximize SMPTE 2110, JPEG XS, and IPMX Streams Reception on your Laptop or Workstation

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Titanium Viewer
Vue d'ensemble
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Seamless Monitoring for SMPTE ST 2110 and IPMX Networks in Software

TitaniumViewer is designed to effortlessly connect SMPTE ST 2110 or IPMX networks to your laptop or workstation, allowing you to see and to monitor video streams with resolutions up to Ultra HD 4K and even 8K. In studio or field environments, the app is ideal for critical video distribution and monitoring applications. 

TitaniumViewer receives SMPTE ST 2110-30 audio and SMPTE ST 2110-22 JPEG XS compressed video via the integrated GigE interface, typically utilizing 1GbE or 2.5GbE found on most workstations. The synchronized audio is extracted and played back in perfect harmony with the video, ensuring an optimal viewing experience. 

Principaux avantages :

  • Comprehensive Stream Monitoring: Discover, select, receive and monitor single to multiple SMPTE ST 2110 and IPMX (VSF TR10 / Async), audio and JXS video streams with ease.
  • Prise en charge de résolutions étendues : Prend en charge les résolutions de 720p à 4320p (8K), avec des options de résolution personnalisées aux formats YCbCr / RGB, et un sous-échantillonnage des couleurs 4:2:2 et 4:4:4, à 8/10/12-bit depth.
  • Intuitive Setup and Control: Enjoy an easy setup and management experience via a user-friendly interface, featuring embedded NMOS support for seamless stream discovery and network connection.
  • Standard PC Compatibility: Operates on a standard Windows PC with an integrated 1G/2.5Gb Ethernet interface, ensuring broad accessibility and ease of use.
  • Advanced Decoding Performance: Utilizes the powerful intoPIX JPEG XS codec, offering default CPU decoding with advanced GPU decoding for optimal performance and flexibility with JPEG XS High profile & new TDC profile.
  • Ultra-Low Latency: Guarantees extremely low latency, ideal for real-time video applications.
  • Support continu : Comprend 2 ans de mises à jour gratuites pour des améliorations continues et des perfectionnements de fonctionnalités.

Exigences matérielles minimales

Le matériel requis pour tester et déployer TitaniumViewer est le suivant :

  • Visualisation d'un ou de plusieurs flux HD (jusqu'à quatre)
  • Voir simple 4K60 ou 5K60 (1440p)
  • Visualisation d'un ou plusieurs flux 4K (jusqu'à quatre)
  • Voir le single 8K
(si codage basé sur CPU)

 Intel i7 9ème génération Intel i9 11ème génération
(si GPU-based coding)
Intel i5 ou i7 9ème génération
avec Nvidia GPU RTX 10 ou mieux
Intel i7 11e génération
avec Nvidia GPU RTX 20 ou mieux
Mémoire8 Go de RAM8 Go de RAM
Interface réseauCâblage standard 1Gb/sCâblage standard 2,5 Gb/s 
Système d'exploitationWindows 10 ou version ultérieure, 64 bits Windows 10 ou version ultérieure, 64 bits
Les spécifications minimales du système ci-dessus répondent aux besoins d'une application Titanium pour fonctionner correctement avec des applications vidéo typiques. 
Un ordinateur plus puissant peut être nécessaire si l'application Titanium est utilisée avec d'autres applications nécessitant des ressources informatiques importantes. des ressources informatiques importantes.
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Monitor ST 2110 / IPMX Video and Audio 

from Anywhere on Your Local Network, with Low Latency

TitaniumViewer transforms your laptop or workstation into a versatile SMPTE ST 2110 / IPMX receiver, ideal for source monitoring and multi-viewer applications. With NMOS discovery, it receives SMPTE ST 2110, IPMX, and JPEG XS video and audio streams, displaying them at the optimal resolution for your screen. The associated audio is seamlessly extracted, synchronized, and played back through your native sound card. The Viewer interface offers many advanced features to ease day-to-day operations.


TitaniumViewer can be combined with other ST 2110 or IPMX video and audio over IP streaming devices. Combine TitaniumViewer with other IP Receivers or Transmitters to create a real-world workflow for video over IP production, distribution and monitoring.

  • Faible latence IP SMPTE 2110 Surveillance vidéo
  • SMPTE 2110/IPMX Multi-viewer
  • Signalisation numérique et distribution vidéo à faible latence
  • ...


TitaniumViewer provides flexible controls and configurations, a native control with NMOS (Discovery, Registration and Control) and many other advanced settings.

Overview of different TitaniumViewer workflows

Standalone receiver endpoint for AV distribution

By integrating into existing SMPTE ST 2110 / IPMX networks, TitaniumViewer turns your PC into a flexible and standalone video viewer endpoint.

TitaniumViewer can serve as a simple camera viewer in overflow spaces, or – when used in combination with TitaniumShow – as a low-latency remote desktop previewer.

It can even do both at once, given its multi-view capability – which does not require identical input resolutions.

Preview monitor for AV workflows

TitaniumViewer serves in existing SMPTE ST 2110 / IPMX networks as an IT-friendly and low-latency preview monitor / small multiviewer for AV workflows.

As such, TitaniumViewer is a companion to analysis equipment, to video mixers, to NMOS controllers, to PTZ camera controllers – or can simply function as a remote viewer of ST 2110 / IPMX streams in an AV workflow.

TitaniumViewer can display up to four FHD60 streams on PCs with 1G NIC, and up to four 4K60 streams (or one 8K60 stream) on PCs with 2.5G interfaces.

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